Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner!

Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner!

So, what does a landscape photographer do when he goes on vacation? Sounds like a trick question, but it’s not. Of course when I take a holiday, I take my camera and I take pictures…of whatever is around. Even if there isn’t a landscape in sight.

Usually those photos are just shared with my family. But my wife, Anita, is a wonderful cheerleader and she encourages me to enter these vacay shots in photo contests. For example, after our trip to the Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta a couple months ago I listened to her and entered their Photo Contest.

Supposedly it is the most photographed event in the world (at least according to their marketing department anyway!)

So this is where I thank my wife because the Balloon Fiesta just notified me that I won two awards! The prize money won’t buy me a new Z9, but, hey, every little bit helps. And I’d be a liar if I didn’t admit that it doesn’t hurt my ego a bit!

2023 Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta Photo Contest Winner Jeff Stamer.  A photographers multiple winning submissions in this year's contest.
2023 Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta Photo Contest Winner Jeff Stamer.  A photographers multiple winning submissions in this year's contest.
Ten years ago, I couldn’t have gotten this shot. But with today’s camera’s and Topaz DeNoise, you can take a hand-held, ISO 8,000 photo and get high-quality results.
2023 Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta Photo Contest Winner Jeff Stamer.  A photographers multiple winning submissions in this year's contest.
This ‘Sci-Fi’ composition caught the judge’s eye.

Well, it’s not like having my work featured on National Geographic, but I’ll take it.


PS: This Fiesta is an insane treat for any photographer. We attended for the better part of a week and I was like a kid in a candy factory. Here are some of my favorite shots from the trip:

We didn’t have much luck with the weather, but with a vista like this before me I had no complaints…
Looks like a children’s ball pit…
Just when I thought I’d go the whole week without seeing the sun…

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