Annual Lake Jesup Wildflower Bloom at the Marl Bed Flats: Photo Tips & Guide

Annual Lake Jesup Wildflower Bloom at the Marl Bed Flats: Photo Tips & Guide

Updated:  October 2023

Ponce de Leon may have named my state “Florida” after being inspired by our wildflowers, but I had seen precious few of them in my three decades here.  That is, until the day I stood behind my camera and saw this scene at the Marl Bed Flats on the shore of Central Florida’s Lake Jesup:

Annual Lake Jesup Wildflower Bloom at the Marl Bed Flats: Photo Tips & Guide
“Sunflower Island”  The oak and palm hammock in the background looks almost like an island floating in a sea of sunflowers in this six-frame panorama.

I was simply amazed.  Beautiful yellow wildflowers as far as I could see. 

What really rocked my world is that over the years as a landscape photographer, I have traveled thousands of miles far from home just to photograph far less impressive wildflower blooms. But all that time I had lived 15 miles away from this vista and had no idea it existed!  I probably still wouldn’t if not for Ed Rosack.  Ed is a local photographer who has a great blog called Central Florida Photo Ops .  Ed, if I ever meet you, I owe you a beer!

I’ve been back to photograph this place every year since for more than a decade.  Rarely do I see another soul.  It is blissfully quiet, which is amazing considering how frantic and busy Central Florida can be.

So, if you would like photograph this for yourself, here is what you need to know:

When do the Fields Bloom?

Tips for the Lake Jesup Marl Bed Flats Sunflower Bloom
Spider’s web reflecting in the dawn light at Lake Jesup

This incredible display only lasts for 2 to 4 weeks from late September into mid-October. The timing shifts from year to year but as a general rule, the flowers peak around the 1st week of October

Keep in mind that the fields don’t bloom every year. Your chances are about 50/50 that flooding will wipe out the flowers in any given year.

What to Expect

This might be in the Orlando area but it isn’t Disney.  It is located in a rural area next to Lake Jesup, which is reputed to have the densest alligator population of any body of water in Florida (but honestly, I’ve never run across one in the sunflower fields).

Don’t expect to just pull up, jump out of your car and snap some shots.  Plan on a 15-20 minute walk from the trailhead out to the fields.

It will likely be hot, the sunflower fields are marshy and you will donate nutrients to our local mosquito population.  Annual Lake Jesup Wildflower Bloom at the Marl Bed Flats: Photo Tips & Guide

Where is it?

The Marl Bed Flats are on the north shore of Lake Jesup which is about 23 miles north of Downtown Orlando. The google map below details how to reach the trailhead.

This sign marks the small parking lot at the end of Oakway Lane…
  • Once in the Orlando area, proceed to SR 417 (this is a toll road also called the Central Florida GreeneWay).
    • The flats are on the north shore of Lake Jesup, which you can see from the 417. 
    • Don’t pull off & take photos from the shoulder, State Troopers take a dim view of it.
  • Exit the 417 on E. Lake Mary Blvd (the first exit north of Lake Jesup) and head east
  • Then take a right (south) on South Sanford Ave. 
  • Take a left (east) on Pine Way (this will be just before you drive under the 417 again).
  • Take a right (south) on S.Mellonville Ave. This will dead-end into Oakway.
  • Turn left (east) on Oakway. This is a narrow two-lane road with no shoulders.
  • Oakway Lane dead-ends at a small parking area that is open during daylight hours (see photo below). 
    • If the gate is closed, there is room for a couple of cars to park outside the gate on the shoulder of the road.
    • There is a sign warning you not to block the gate when parking to avoid being towed.

Hiking Directions from Trailhead:

Gate at the trailhead.

The trail starts at the gate (see photo) located in the back southeastern corner of the lot next to the parking area.

  • The trail (looks like an overgrown road) curves to the right immediately on the other side of the gate (don’t be mislead by an overgrown road that veers to the left).
  •  You will start seeing red and yellow diamond shaped trail markers mounted or painted on the trees along the way. 
  • In another five minutes or so, the trail will split. Either trail (red or yellow) will get you to the fields.

    Map to Lake Jesup Marl Bed Flats Sunflower Bloom Fields

    Red Trail

    The red trail is shorter than the yellow trail. It is no more than another half mile to the fields from this point and will take you about 15 minutes.

    If you are familiar with AllTrails, then use this link. If not, directions for the red trail are below:

    The short hike through the ancient live oak hammock is impressive.
  • After another five minutes the trail will split again…take the left trail.  The trail markers will now be marked with red diamonds and the path will lead through a nice old oak hammock with wonderful Spanish moss.
  • Soon the trail will end as you emerge from the trees with the open sunflower flats directly ahead (you can’t miss it).
  • The best sunflower fields are usually to the right (southwest toward the 417) as you exit the oak/palm hammock.
  • Annual Lake Jesup Wildflower Bloom at the Marl Bed Flats: Photo Tips & Guide
    I told you these sunflowers are TALL!

    My favorite compositions are taken from out in the fields looking back at the hammock you just emerged from. This spot is especially nice in the morning hours since the sun will sidelight the flowers.

    Annual Lake Jesup Wildflower Bloom at the Marl Bed Flats: Photo Tips & Guide
    Your choice of photo options is nearly as endless as the sunflowers.
    • The problem is that the fields are at a lower elevation and are usually wet. So rather than walking straight out into the fields and wandering around getting your feet wet, stay on the edge of the field on the higher ground and head right (east). When you find a dryer section of the sunflower field, walk straight out into it for your shot. After your shot, head back to the hammock and continue hiking east (toward the 417). 
    • Some areas in the flats are a bit more elevated than others.  If you see a palm tree out there, you know it is on higher ground (although it still might be underwater).  You can find some paths into the flowers that horses, cattle, and other photographers have made.
    • If it has been a rainy Fall, the fields might be under a lot more than an inch or two of water.  If so, you won’t be able to get far into the fields at all. If so, try the Yellow Trail instead.

    Yellow Trail

    This trail is a bit longer than the red trail but it will take you to an area of the fields that is at a slightly a higher elevation.
    1. At the first split in the trail described above, take the trail to the right (it will be marked with yellow diamonds). Yellow Diamond This trail will take you through an oak hammock and will soon curve to the left (south).  Continue straight down on the trail (actually an old dirt road). As you reach the end of the tree canopy, you will notice that the trail/road is elevated and there is a narrow, nearly filled/overgrown canal to your right.   
    2. At the edge of the flats, the trail/road will take a sharp right.  As you stand here looking out to the flats you will see a long, perfectly straight row of palm trees leading off south-east into the flats.  Walk along that line of trees (no need to follow it to the end).  As you do so, you should see a nice field of sunflowers to your left (southeast).  This area is particularly nice in the afternoon with the sun on your back
    Photo tips and guide. Central Florida's best landscape op location Lake Jessup Wildflowers
    One of approximately 34 billion wild sunflowers at the peak of the bloom. Most folks around here call them Swamp Sunflowers (Helianthus angustifolius) but another common name is Narrow Leaf Sunflowers

    What should you bring with you?

    1. Since the fields are usually marshy, waterproof boots and a spare pair of dry socks might come in handy. 
      • Although I’ve only rarely seen snakes here, you’d probably rather be wearing boots than flip-flops if you were to surprise a moccasin.  
      • Cattle wander through this area and folks ride horses here as well.  The cows and horses do leave their ‘calling cards’, so step carefully.
    2. Some years the mosquitos can be intense, bring your industrial-strength bug spray.  
    3. Temperatures in September/October can often hit 90º and there isn’t much shade in the flats, so bring a hat, lots of water, and use your sunscreen.
    4. Wear long pants, a long-sleeved shirt, and quick-drying fabric.  Many of the plants in the field are as tall as you are and they will scratch up any unprotected skin.  Plus, the sunflowers are often covered in dew in the morning.
    At eye level, it is impossible to see the horizon when you get out into the flats.

    Another Option

    Hidden Palms Ranch features a way to see the flowers without much effort. For $85 per person (eff. Oct. 2023) you can climb on one of their horses for a trail ride out to fields.

    Okay, photography might be a bit challenging astride a horse but at least you won’t get your feet wet!

    Photography Tips:

    • Bring a TALL tripod.
      • Many of these flowers are over 6′ in height. If you stay on the high ground around the oak hammock to photograph, that’s not a problem. But if you want to actually photograph in the fields, the flowers will often be over your head. Plus there aren’t many elevated spots in the fields, so a tall tripod (or a drone) is helpful.
      • I know photographers who have actually brought a small stepladder out here with them!
    • Bring your Drone!
      • Since the fields are usually wet, a drone is a great way to get your camera out to spots that you simply can’t reach any other way.
      • A drone can function as a tall tripod and let you shoot over the top of the sunflowers. Often, I shoot drone photos at less than 20′ of altitude.
      • Drones are permitted here but the Sanford/Orlando airport is nearby, so drones are restricted to a max altitude of 100′.
      • There is a no-fly zone to the east and north, but as long as you are over the sunflowers between the red and yellow trails, I think you should be fine.
      • I verified the info above on my B4UFLY app but drone restrictions can change at any time, so even if my info was correct today (Oct 29, 2023), it might NOT be accurate tomorrow. Always double-check before you fly.
    • Try Focus Stacking
      • A typical shot here often features a super-wide depth of field when capturing a field of flowers stretching from the horizon to a few feet in front of you.  Focus Stacking will allow you to get everything in focus. That tripod will come in handy for this technique as well.
      • The low-tech way to address this is to use a small aperture (f/22 or higher) to get the maximum depth of field and hope for the best. 
    You can see the yellow sunflower fields toward the top of the image. Note how wet the area is…and this was photographed in a ‘dry’ year!
    Tips for the Lake Jesup Marl Bed Flats Sunflower Bloom
    If you are a birder, bring that telephoto…
    Central Florida's best landscape op location Lake Jessup Wildflowers
    Lots of macro subjects if you can just tear yourself away from the Sunflowers!
    • Have a selection of Lenses.
      • Definitely bring your wide-angle lens…the landscape begs for them.  The wider the better.
      • If you like macro photography you can stay busy here all day. If so, bring that macro lens.  In addition to the flowers, there are insects of every kind, and first thing in the morning, sometimes you will find dew-covered spider webs that make fun compositions.
      • There are often eagles circling in the sky over you…a long zoom can help you come home with some nice portraits.  In addition to eagles, I’ve seen hawks, sandhill cranes, wood storks, and a plethora of other species…if you happen to be a birder, you will be photographing a lot more than sunflowers
    • Time of Day
      • Sunrises are particularly nice here.  Soft morning light and the low-angled sunlight is ideal. 
      • Even if you can only be there mid-day, you will find the fields photograph very well. 
      • I consider sunset slightly less preferable to dawn since the sun is harder to work into your composition.
    Annual Lake Jesup Wildflower Bloom at the Marl Bed Flats: Photo Tips & Guide
    Sunrises can be stunning. Who says that there aren’t any landscape photography locations in Florida?
    • Try a Panorama or two!
      • The fields appear endless and this impression can be dramatically captured in a pano.
    Annual Lake Jesup Wildflower Bloom at the Marl Bed Flats: Photo Tips & Guide
    Endless Beauty


    • Bring your Polarizer
      • A Polarizer will make the blue skies really pop…which make for a killer contrast to the yellow sunflowers
      • The exception would be when making panos. A polarizer will often make the blue skies ‘patchy’ when combining multiple frames in a pano.
    • Check the Forecast
      • The ideal weather is partly cloudy skies. Nice big fluffy clouds in a deep blue sky hanging over a yellow field of flowers make for wonderful images.
    • Shutter Speed
      • If you are here early in the day, there won’t be much wind so shutter speed might not be an issue. But these tall sunflowers move a lot with even a little wind, so you might have to switch your camera to Shutter Priority and set a fast speed (1/250th or so) to freeze the movement.

    Last Thoughts

    I’ve created a short video with some time-lapse sections that will give you a better idea of what you might expect to see during your visit. 

    Other Florida Sunflower Bloom Locations :

    Lake Jesup Area:

    Although I consider the Marl Bed Flats to be the primo location, there are 3 other good areas with sunflowers around Lake Jesup.

    1. Caldwell Fields is very close to the Marl Bed Flats (basically just on the other side of the 417).  You can get there from a trailhead located in Lake Jesup Park (see map below).  This has the potential to be a wonderful spot since part of the trail is atop a berm…which provides expansive views thanks to the height.  Unfortunately, the trail to the berm is at a very low elevation and unless it has been a ‘dry’ year, it will likely be impassable.Lake Jesup Park Calwell's Field full res
    2. The North Cameron Tract doesn’t have a well maintained trail and the flowers are not usually as profuse as the Marl Bed Flats area. Check out this link to see a map.
    3. The East Lake Jesup Tract (this link) is on the southern side of the Lake and I’ve never had much luck there…but I honestly haven’t spent much time exploring it either.

    Cocoa (Tosohatchee):

    Another location in Central Florida that usually has sunflower displays is the Tosohatchee Wildlife Management Area which is about an hour southwest of Lake Jesup (about 30 minutes west of Cocoa.)  Although not as photogenic (in my opinion) as the Lake Jessup fields, it might be worth checking out if you live nearby.  The best spots are in the flats near the St. John’s River on Powerline Road.  This link will take you to a helpful map.

    Ft. Myers/Naples (Pepper Ranch):

    For those of you in west and south Florida, I’ve seen photographs of fields of sunflowers at Pepper Ranch in the Ft. Myers/Naples area.  I haven’t visited myself, but if you live in that area you should check it out.  Here is a link with directions and details.


    I consider the sunflowers at Lake Jesup to be one of the best landscape photography locations in Florida.  If you are in the Central Florida area during early October, you really should see this extravaganza yourself.



    PS:  I usually post updates with details about the bloom every year.  Check my blogs during late September and October to see what is happening this year. 

    “Sunflower World” Let your creative side explore the possibilities of this amazing vista.

    Related Images:

    Views: 493

    This Post Has 43 Comments

    1. I see your update prior to Ian so I am guessing that the fields are likely still flooded, but wanted to see if the past 6 days of dry weather might have dried them out enough for a bloom.

      1. Sorry, but Hurricane Ian flooded the fields and water levels are still at near all-time highs. Unfortunately, there won’t be a bloom worth photographing this year…

    2. Hey there, any update on this gorgeous field in October 2022?

      1. Hi Cassandra, Not looking good this year. Lots of rain and the fields are flooded. There is still a chance of them drying out if the rains hold off for the next couple weeks…we’ll see!

      1. Not looking good. Fields are flooded due to the heavy rainfall over the past month. There is a chance it may dry-out and we will get a decent bloom but the forecast is for more rain. I’m not feeling optimistic about this year.

    3. How are flood plains looking this year? Are the flowers starting to appear?

      1. Hi Brian, As of Oct 11 we have a full bloom. Fields are a bit wet and the density of flowers is good (but not as intense as in some prior years). I’m guessing that the peak will be over this weekend and will start declining. Time to get out there if you can!

        1. Thank you. It’s been a couple of years since we had a good bloom so I’m excited to see if this year we get lucky.

        2. Its 9/27/19 have you been by lately to see if the flowers are coming in. I was thinking f taking a ride this weekend to find out.

          1. Hi,
            Unfortunately, I haven’t been out there is a while and I’m out of the country and won’t get a chance to for another couple of weeks. If you get a chance to take a ride out there this weekend, let me know what you find, Thanks!

            1. I went out last weekend and they were nearly at peak so I suspect they are at peak this weekend. The area is plenty dry so accessing the flowers was no problem. They are tall this year, so be prepared for some giant plants.

            2. Thanks for the update Brian! I’ll put out an update on my website today. I’m planning to check it out myself tomorrow!

      2. Thank you for this website. Used it today to hike with my family. Have been sharing photos and now sharing your site for others! ?

    4. Are there still sunflowers right now during this month??

      1. Hi Julissa, Sorry, the sunflowers only bloom at the end of Sept/early Oct. The fields flooded during that timeframe the last two years and we got no blooms at all…hopefully we will be luckier this year!

    5. I’ve seen that last years was kind of bad but typically what would be a good time of year to go?

      1. Hi Chelsea, Usually the flowers start blooming in late September or early October. Once the blooms pop, they take about 1-2 weeks to peak. From start to finish, the bloom is usually 7 or 8 weeks in total. Good luck! Jeff

    6. I went yesterday 10/15/17 and the path to the field was completely flooded. I had never gone before so I don’t know if it would be passable in rain boots or not.

      1. Hi Stephanie,
        Yes, I’m afraid this year is a bust. The flowers haven’t bloomed…probably because the fields are still underwater. Doesn’t look like the water will bloom before the wildflower “season” is over…which would normally be right around now. Well, let’s hope 2018 is better!

      2. Hows it looking now? Did the fields dry up? Are they still in bloom?

        1. Hi Tara,
          Sadly, no, I’m going to have to write-off 2020. The fields are still flooded. Jeff

    7. Hey I was just wondering if you think the hurricane is going to affect us being able to see these beautiful flowers this year. Or maybe it’s too early to tell?

      1. Hi John,
        Unfortunately, my guess is that the fields will be totally flooded this year. The water levels in Lake Jesup are the highest I’ve ever seen them so I am not optimistic about the flowers. I’ll make a run out there next week and check. PS: Sorry for the delay in responding…Irma knocked out my power for six days and just got electricity again 20 minutes ago

        1. Hey Jeff, I made a trip to the fields the other day, i can confirm that the fields are completely flooded this year sadly.

          1. Hi Gavin,
            Yup, I drove out there yesterday and saw the same thing. Looks like 2017 will be a bust. I’ll put out a quick blog to let everyone know. Thanks for the update!

    8. Hi, loved the blog so much! I decided to take my girlfriend to the sunflower fields you explained, however, when we arrived, it was quite a disappointment. I know this is 4 years after the time you visited, but there was probably one sunflower there in comparison to the billions that were in yout photos above. I am curious, was i looking in the wrong place? I walked the trails and stopped at the end as soon as they opened up into a field, but the fields were mainly dead brush; kind of a depressing view actually. I went to the yellow trail to see if that was maybe better, however, that ended up in a wall of grown over brush. It was very dry almost no water and not muddy in the slightest bit. Do you think if I had walked further there may have been some sunflowers? Or am I too late and they have all died by this time? Thanks again for the blog, very beautiful photos wish i could see them for myself in real life!

      1. Hi Gavin,
        Sorry, that you missed the sunflowers. Unfortunately they only bloom for a few weeks each year. Usually that happens during late September to early October. Put it on your calendar for next year and check my blog since I will post updates when the fields start blooming in 2017!

    9. These photos are gorgeous! I’m looking for a place like this to take my maternity photos. Obviously hiking through those conditions isn’t the best option for me. Do you know of any other pretty landscape locations in central Florida that are more accessible by car? Thank you in advance!

      1. First of all, Congratulations! Yes, the wildflower fields would have been a nice backdrop but you are right that a hike right now might not be a great idea. Unfortunately, Central Florida is very limited when it comes to landscape locations…which is why I have to travel so much. I’d suggest one of the many parks as a backdrop. One in particular that you might want to consider is Henry P Leu Gardens in Orlando. Best of luck!


    10. I’m planning on going to see the sunflowers tomorrow. I hope that they are blooming and that it doesn’t rain!

      1. Hi Jackie,
        I just got back from Alaska and haven’t had a chance to see how the sunflowers are doing. Let me know if they are looking good!

        1. I wasn’t able to drag myself out of bed quite as early as I wanted so unfortunately I was a little too late for good sunrise shots. Also it was very flooded…good thing I had read your blog and wore my rain boots! I didn’t get very far before I was standing in 4 or 5 inches of water and decided not to go any further. I think I got some good shots, though. I posted a few on Flickr if you’d like to see them. I’d love to hear any feedback that you have! I definitely need to get a tripod at some point!

          1. Hi Jackie,
            I just checked out your shots on Flickr. Looks like the sunflowers are blooming! As far as feedback…well, there isn’t much you can do if the fields are so flooded that you can’t reach them…maybe we need to use a boat this year! I might give the water a day or two to recede and see if I can reach the fields but this year might be a washout…

      2. Hey Jeff, me and a friend tried going there today and it ended up not working out. There was a river on the trail? We tried going through the woods but it was too scary for us seeing on how we are just teenage girls. Is there a better time to go or is it always like that? We got a little view of lots of yellow in the distance though!

        1. Hi Jackie,
          Unfortunately, with all the rain this year, the sunflowers are really difficult to hike to. Normally, the trail is dry and you don’t have any wet ground until you actually get out to the flats, but this year the entire area is flooded. I’m thinking this year might be a bust and we will have to wait until 2015!

        2. Kebenae – I had the same experience. It was just too flooded to get very close to the sunflowers. I did take some pictures of the ones near the parking area, but there’s a fence around them. Hopefully next year will be better!

    11. Thank you for all the helpful information. We want to travel inland to see this marvel!

      1. Hi Karen,
        It is worth your time for the drive…nothing else like it in this part of the country! Let me know if you get out to see it and if so, email a couple of your best photos to me!

    12. Hi Jeff,

      Nice writeup! And thanks for the complements on my blog. If we do meet, I take you up on that beer.


      1. Hi Ed,
        I’m dead serious about that beer! Your blog has been a wonderful resource and inspiration for me and a beer would be but a small repayment.

    13. Love the blog! Thanks for Sharing~ Truly beautiful site!

      1. It is only appropriate that you were the first to leave a comment…after all, you are the inspiration for the website in the first place!

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