Lake Jesup Marl Bed Flats Sunflower Bloom:  Oct. 19, 2023 Update

Lake Jesup Marl Bed Flats Sunflower Bloom: Oct. 19, 2023 Update

I made it out to the Sunflowers today. The good news is that they are still blooming and there are good photos to be had. The bad news is that the bloom is past its prime and I don’t think they are going to last another week. If you want to see them this year, you need to get out there by this weekend.

The sunflower fields are surprisingly wet so you will need to stay on the high ground at the edge of the oak hammocks near the end of the trails. If you really want to get out into the fields you will need waterproof boots, an airboat or a drone. I brought my drone and kept my feet dry.

Here are some shots to let you know what to expect…

Lake Jesup Marl Bed Flats Sunflower Bloom
Drone shot from about 12′ over the fields. Still lots of flowers even though they are past their peak.
Lake Jesup Marl Bed Flats Sunflower Bloom
You can see how wet it is once you get out into the fields
Lake Jesup Marl Bed Flats Sunflower Bloom

With the exception of a small group of folks that rode by on horses, I didn’t see another soul. You won’t feel crowded here.

Lake Jesup Marl Bed Flats Sunflower Bloom
If you are a birder, you would have had fun out here today. Eagles, Sand Hill Cranes, Hawks, and tons of wading/water birds were out and about.
Lake Jesup Marl Bed Flats Sunflower Bloom
I know it looks like horizon-to-horizon sunflowers, but actually, there are large barren patches, so you have to look around a bit.

It’s been a number of years since we had a good bloom, so if you’ve never seen them, here’s your chance.


PS: If you have never photographed here before, check out my Annual Lake Jesup Wildflower Bloom at the Marl Bed Flats: Photo Tips & Guide. It’s filled with maps, directions and tips!

Lake Jesup Marl Bed Flats Sunflower Bloom
The only non-drone photo on this blog. The sunflowers are tall this year, even with a 7′ tall tripod, it was impossible to reach over them.

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This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Hi Jeff. I was there yesterday as well. Too bad I didn’t run into you. There was a Mercedes parked outside the gate (which was closed) if that was you.

    I was disappointed to see I had aparently missed the peak and man the plants were tall this year.

    Charles LeRette

    1. Hi Charles,
      I wish that was my Mercedes but no, I was in a bronze Subie Forester! Yup, the sunflowers were tall, glad I brought my drone. Like you, I hope to get out there earlier next year and catch the peak. See you on the fields next year! Jeff

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