I got some really exciting news recently: I was awarded the Grand Prize for the 2018 Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta Photo Contest. Touted as the “most photographed event in the world” (at least by the marketing team in Albuquerque), it is quite a honor and certainly one of my highlights for 2018.
The funny thing is, I didn’t plan to go to this event (my wife, Anita, made it happen as one of her ‘bucket list’ trips). I certainly never intended to enter the contest…again, Anita got me to do it (after asking me about a million times). So like most of the good things in my life, I have Anita to thank!
We attended 5 days of the week-long Fiesta which allowed me to scout the venue and plan this shot well in advance. This particular morning was one that they launch the ‘Special Shape’ Balloons…which includes everything from Darth Vader to Stagecoaches. I positioned my tripod on the embankment on the north side of the huge Balloon Park and made this 6 frame panorama soon after sunrise. The wonderful side-lighting really worked wonders with the explosion of enthusiastic colors exhibited by the mass of unique balloons.
Some of my other shots from the Fiesta:

Colors UP!

Photography for me is really not about contests: it’s a way for me to express my creative side and encourage me to explore the world. Just the same, this isn’t a shabby way to start the year!

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Ryan Chapman
16 Jan 2019Amazing Jeff. Just unbelievable work. I really appreciate your creative work.
Jeff Stamer
17 Jan 2019Thanks Ryan…much appreciate it!
Ryan Chapmqn
19 Jan 2019You are most welcome Jeff. Always love your creative work. <3
Karl Chiang
3 Jan 2019Big Congratulations and well deserved! Happy New Year and hope 2019 is just as great!
Jeff Stamer
6 Jan 2019Thanks Karl! Hope you have a great 2019 as well!